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Khalsa Global Reach Skill Development Centre

Khalsa Global Reach Skill Development Centre of Khalsa College Amritsar is providing specialized skill development courses for students, which enables them to explore their potentials on various skills and get better placements in the job sector or become an entrepreneur.

The students enrolled under any course in Skill Development Centre are given both theory and practical training necessary for that course. After completion of the course, the students get a certificate of completion. All courses are being taught by well trained and experienced faculty members. These courses help the students to learn new skills and also to get expertise in various skills. The students enrolled in different skill courses learn new skills in accordance with the demand of work.

Skill-based education is the need of the hour. With the rapid technological advancements, the competitive job market, the need to adapt to changing business needs, improving employability and entrepreneurship, skill-based education is becoming essential.

Khalsa College is following the National Policy on Skill Development devised by the Government of India to develop employable skills among the youth of the country through learning and producing workers adequately skilled to meet the requirements of industry. A separate Khalsa Global Reach Skill Development Centre has been established to provide specialized skill development courses for students, which enable them to explore their potentials on various skills and get better placements in the job sector or become an entrepreneur. The building of this centre was inaugurated on January 30, 2021.

KGR Skill Development Centre has been imparting skill training to needy women in cutting, stitching, tailoring, making of jams, pickles, surf etc. under its lifelong learning programme since 2020. Since its inception, the Centre is providing skill based training through its 14 short term courses, Training programmes for students of Computer, Food Science, Biotechnology, Department of Fashion Designing and Workshops for faculty and non-teaching faculty. More than 2000 students have been benefitted from these courses.

The Centre has also been approved by Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University Patiala for imparting training in seven online courses.

The College has also signed six MOUs with various institutions and corporate bodies to impart industrial training.

Courses Offered at Skill Development centre

  1. 1.UGC-NSQF Approved B.VOC Courses:-The college is running the following four B.Voc courses by UGC under National Skill Qualification Framework.
    1. -> B.Voc. (Food Processing)
    2. -> B.Voc. (Theatre and Stage Craft)
    3. -> B. Voc. (Software Development)
    4. -> B.Voc. (Textile Design & Apparel Tech)
  2. 2. Skill Hub under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna:-The college has been awarded Skill Hub by National Skill Development Corporation to impart skill training under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna 4.0.
  3. 3. Short term Skill Development programmes:- Skill Development centre of the college offers a number of short term (three to six months) courses for the training of students. Any student can take admission in these courses, the classes are held in the afternoon students so that the regular college students can also attend. The main thrust of these courses is to impart training, hands-on training sessions for skill updation of the students.
  4. 4. Training Programmes:- The centre is providing specialized training on the subject for the students of Food Science and Technology, Agriculture, Biotechnology and Computer Science departments.
  5. 5. Short Term Faculty Development Programmes:- Short term faculty training programme in Bakery, Dry Cakes, Cookies and Chocolates etc are being organized every year
  6. 6. Life-long learning programme:- The centre through its life-long learning programme is providing training to Needy women/Girls. With this training, while working from home they can earn more money to support their families.
